Monday 19 August 2013

Rousseau's jungle

I found some photos in one of my old files.
We did this project two years ago. I prepared paper
leaves, flowers, trees and animals.
I had to cut everything out,
my students were to small to do it by themeselves.
We started from  Rousseau's artworks.
We talked about colours, plants and animlas.
And then everybody created his own little jungle...:)

Sunday 18 August 2013

Ideas for a new preschool year

Looking forward to starting a new preschool year, I search for some nice ideas of crafts for little artists. 
I found this   DIY cork sailboat in a jar    I'm going to try this project with the preschoolers. Winding the threat around the corks would be too difficult for 3,4-year-old children, so we'll make smaller boats, just from half of a cork. Smaller boats also means  that I don't need 150 corks (I have about 50 kids) but only 25:). 
Another really nice ideas: